Aafiyat2u is now upgraded to Aafiyat Mall.
Aafiyat2u is now upgraded to AafiyatMall!
Welcome to Olive House Mall - Realizing Aafiyat Lifestyle -
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1. Nama Pelanggan / Customer Name*
2. Nombor Telefon / Phone Number*
3. Untuk siapakah anda membeli produk kami? / For whom do your purchase our product for?*
4. Apakah sebab utama anda tertarik untuk mencuba produk Olive House? / What is the main reason you are interested in trying Olive House products?*
5. Berdasarkan jawapan anda di atas, sila nyatakan penyakit yang merisaukan anda. / Based on your answer above, please state the disease that worries you.*
6. Secara keseluruhan, sejauh manakah anda berpuas hati dengan Olive House? / Overall, how satisfied are you with Olive House?*
i - Berbaloi dengan harga / Value for money*
ii. Keberkesanan Produk / Product Effectiveness
iii. Servis / Service
iv. Kemudahan membeli produk / Ease to purchase product.
v. Aktiviti pemasaran / Marketing Activity
vi. Aktiviti Penghubungan bersama pelanggan / Customer Engagement Activity.
Dalam skala 1-10, Adakah anda akan mengesyorkan Olive House kepada rakan atau keluarga? / On a scale of 0-10, how likely is it that you would recommend Olive House o a friend or family? *
Adakah anda mempunyai sebarang cadangan/penambahbaikan yang ingin dikongsikan bersama kami? / Do you have any suggestions/improvements you would like to share with us?